At LambdaOptics Co., the most important commitment is to continuously offer our customers the highest performance optical and crystal solutions at a competitive price.Now, Lambdaoptics is a leader in manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of Laser Crystals, Infrared Crystals and Precision Optical components. Main product are as follows:※ Crystals: Green Laser Module(KTP+Nd:YOV4), Waveplates, KTP, BIBO, LiNbO3 Birefringent Wedge, YAG etc. ※ IR Crystals: CaF2, MgF2, LiF2, ZnSe, ZnS, GaAs, Si, Ge, Sapphire etc. ※ Optical Parts: Prisms, Lenses, Mirrors, Windows, Beamspliters, Collor Filters etc. ※ Coatings: Anti-Reflectance, Dielectric High Reflectance, Reflectance Coatings etc.After untiring efforts, more than 60 well-trained employees now are service on Lambda with over 1200 square meters manufacturing facility. A whole set of crystal inspection and manufacturing equipments were established, a whole set of crystal inspection and manufacturing equipments were established, including Dicer, Interferometer, Spectrophotometer etc. Our excellent internal Quality Management System has helped lambdaoptics to gain the ISO 9001:2000 Certification. Now, over 75% of lambdaoptics’ product are exported to USA, Asian Market, and other Europea countries, even spread our sales network to all over the world. Lambdaoptics is dedicated to high efficient manufacturing infrastructure, advanced design and ...